Set "SENDTO-FILE=%CURRENT-PATH%\Thunderbird SendTo.cmd" Set "PROGRAM-LINK=%CURRENT-PATH%\Thunderbird Portable.lnk" If exist "%CURRENT-PATH%\ThunderbirdPortable.exe" set PROGRAM-PATH=%CURRENT-PATH% & goto :SETTINGS If exist "%PROGRAM-PATH%\ThunderbirdPortable.exe" goto :SETTINGS Set "PROGRAM-PATH=%CD%" & cd %CURRENT-PATH% IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL% = 0 (SET "RUNAS=USER") ELSE (SET "RUNAS=ADMINISTRATOR") IF "%USERLOGON%" NEQ " " (set "USERLOGON=%USERNAME%") else (set "USERLOGON=%USERLOGON: =%") Title Thunderbird Portable Integration & Color 1E Create a batch-file (for example: "Thunderbird Portable Integration.bat") with the following content off

Change to the created subfolder to create the following batch-file.ģ. Create a subfolder in your ThunderbirdPortable folder (for example: ".\ThunderbirdPortable\Windows")Ģ. Here is the best and easy solution to make ThunderbirdPortable as Default Mail Client.ġ.